
This photo shows a nice young man from Singapore and was taken in front of the Great Buddha in Kamakura

It was a very hot day of 34 degrees Celsius which was the highest temperature for the day. But this young man lives in Singapore, so he is used to the heat. However, he has a weak point. He is not fond of high places because it makes him dizzy. That’s why he will not go up to Tokyo Tower or Landmark Tower.

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Pontos turísticos velho e novo em Toquio sob guia pelo interprete voluntário

Uma família brasileira com 2 meninos e 2 meninas se divertiram vários pontos turísticos de Toquio. Os velhos são Asakusa, o palácio imperial, o santuário Meiji , Museo de samurai, restaurante de Sumo ,Tsukiji e as novos são  Cafe coruja em Akihabara, Takeshia Street, Shibuya, Restaurante de Robo em Shinjuku, o centro de prevenção de desastre em Ikebukuro. Os 4 dias foram muito calor e úmido mas eles estavam animados e curiosos. Creio que curtiram os dias em Toquio.

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What would you like to do in Akihabara?

We guided a family of 6 from Belgium who started their 3 weeks stay in Japan.

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A Canadian family stopped over Japan for sight-seeing

We guided to Shibuya, Harajuku, Akihabara, Ginza, Tsukiji, ………… They enjoyed visiting Shrine, Temple, Fish market, shopping at Uniqlo, electric shops and comic goods shops.We hope they enjoyed all in Tokyo.

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What do they see in ASAKUSA?

Welcome to ASAKUSA. Here comes another family from CANADA! Many people come & go to this gate, and they pass through it into a pilgrimage.

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A Spanish family has arrived at TOKYO !

They took a pose in fron of the kaminari-mon gate, Asakusa. This is their first visit to Senso-ji temple. It’s a first smiling shot of a spanish family in Japan.

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Summary of the guide report on June 4th to Ms. Nadia Arrafie

We went to Meiji-jingu, Harajuku, Edo-Tokyo Museum and Shibuya.

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We have a unique way of taking pictures here in the temple. We say “Myo・Sho・Ji” instead of “Cheese”.

Myo-sho-ji Temple has a big Sacred Tree which is an iconic monument in Japan.

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A Local tour in Kashiwa

I guided Mr. Alpin Novenas from Indonesia in the afternoon on 25th.
He will enter the master course of physics at Tokyo university this summer.

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Depachika (praca de comida sob sol de loja de departamento)

Um casal do Brasil se divertiu em visitar a praca de comidas (Depachika). Vale pena a visitar este ponto, pois pode saber quais comidas japoneses comem dia e dia. O marido falou “Nunca imaginava que tinha este tipo de praça de comida limpa e completa no Japão”. Vamos conhecer!!

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