May 2024

American and Australian 14 guests enjoyed Nikko Toushouguu and Futarayama shrine

American2 and Australian12 guests visited Nikko Toushouguu and Futarayama shrine depart from Shinjuku station.  As so many guests, 3 guides supported them. They enjoyed Shinkyo and Japanese noodle too. They walked around Toushouguu as they like, and gathered at just the time and place. They were very organized.

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A lovely family from America enjoyed Tokyo

The family is interested in Japanese daily culture. First, they went to experience Otaku culture in Akihabara. Then, they strolled through the Tsukiji fish market and tried sushi. After visiting the market, they visited Senso-ji temple, the oldest temple in Tokyo and finally went to Shibuya to enjoy shopping.

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4 Brazilian ladies enjoyed Tokyo tour

The group was composed of 3 sisters and one friend. Some of them have experience to live in Japan for a few years but not visited touristic points in Tokyo. Then they went to the most popular points in Tokyo such as Sensoji Temple, Meiji Shrine, Imperial Palace, Omotesando and Shibuya. They seemed to have been impressed with the contrast of old and new aspects.

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Young Canadian couple enjoyed Noda GCANS

Young Canadian couple visited Noda underground flood control channel (GCANS). They walked down to the big pressure control water tank and took pictures. It was just like a great Greece shrine at the underground.

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Active young American man enjoyed Rikuginen Japanese garden and central Tokyo area

Active young American man enjoyed Rikuginen Japanese garden, Asakusa Sensouji and Asakusa-jinja, Tokyo Tower, Zoujouji, and observatories near the Tokyo station.  He was tough and explored around Tokyo station much more.

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According to the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), the number of foreign visitors to Japan in April totaled 3,042,900, exceeding 3 million for the second consecutive month.

The number of tour guide requests to the Kashiwa Goodwill Guide Association was 40 (131 people), and guides were available for 19 days, guiding 65 people.

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Title:  Brazilian couple appreciated Japanese gardens

Article: While the husband used to live in Japan, this was the first visit to Japan for the wife.  Among the places visited this time, she loved the Japanese gardens. It was fine and pleasant days, she could get relaxed and feel silence in the gardens which are located in the middle of Tokyo.

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Title: Group of 9 from Italy visited Asakusa, Ueno, Skytree and Yanaka

We guided them to Sensoji temple, Tokyo Skytree , Ueno Park with scattered several Temples/Shrines and Yanaka area. We are sure they enjoyed every spot.

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The active group of italian 9 persons enjoyed central Tokyo area

The active group of italian 9 persons enjoyed Tokyo Internatinal Forum, Imperial palace, Tukiji fish market, Meiji-jingu and the Tokyo toilets.  They were satisfied with Tukili Uogashi lunch and the beautiful Tokyo toilets near the Yoyogi park.

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Two Brazilian ladies visited around in Tokyo

Since this was the first visit to Japan, they visited the most popular touristic spots such as Asakusa, Omotesando, Meiji Shrine, Shibuya, Imperial Palace, Tokyo Station, Ginza and Ameyoko-street. We walked more than 20,000 steps in total but they were full of energy whole day for their ages.

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